Get ahead of "what's for dinner?"

Jupiter's platform puts food brands a step ahead with consumers by connecting the dots to millions of home cooks through social media influencers.

Brands we work with

Jupiter makes it easy to get results

Jupiter reduces the cost and time spent launching campaigns by connecting food brands to multiple recipe creators. These social media influencers make and amplify content that feels organic, reaches new followers, and delivers results.

Work with creators to reach new audiences

Branded content is amplified through each creator’s handle, providing access to millions of consumers in addition to a creator’s organic audience.

Turn content into commerce

Did you know that 92% of people act at the moment of seeing something on Instagram? Each creator storefront is a placement opportunity for your brand to reach millions of shoppers with high buying intent. 

Metrics that matter

No more digging for data points to justify your influencer campaign spend. Jupiter provides in-depth marketing insights in an executive dashboard so you can see what’s working, and what isn’t.

What's in it for my brand?

Social media stardom

Your brand gets tagged and featured in the creator's Instagram Reels every month. The result? Millions of eyeballs.

Instagram Shopping placement

Your products will be front and center on prime digital shelf space with our Jupiter + Instagram Shopping integration.

Prime shopping list positioning

Your products are featured at the top of ingredient lists in our shoppable recipes.

Your own Jupiter storefront

Each of your products will be shoppable in your branded digital storefront featuring your choice of recipes.

Meet some of our food creators

Jupiter’s food creator community has over 150+ influencers with more joining us every day.


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A sneak peek into how Jupiter works

The first step of recipe shopping on Jupiter; seeing a recipe on Instagram.The second step of recipe shopping on Jupiter; viewing a creator's storefront on Jupiter and shopping their recipes.The third step of recipe shopping on Jupiter; the ability to shop all the ingredients needed to make a recipe. You can customize by checking & unchecking the ingredients listed. The final step of recipe shopping on Jupiter; successfully placing your grocery order for delivery.
Number one

Recipes that creators post to Instagram can be tagged with your brand's product and linked to shoppable recipes on Jupiter.

Number 2

Customers can buy all the groceries needed to make the recipe with a single tap.

Number 3

Customers can customize the ingredient list by removing items they already have on hand or swapping items out for their preferred brands or products.

Number 4

Groceries are delivered to their doorsetp from a local grocer so that home cooks have everything they need to make the recipe!